North Oakland Now: March 12, 2009
on March 12, 2009
In Alameda County, and across the country, falling home values will likely translate to falling tax revenues. Officials are preparing for a drop in property taxes for the first time in decades–and current estimates fall around 2 percent, or $4.1 billion county-wide.
On Wednesday, a crowd gathered in front of the OUSD administration building to protest proposed cuts to adult education. State funding for adult education could be cut by up to 20 percent, and every adult education instructor in Oakland received pink slips last week.
A recent study says that global warming will cause the Pacific to rise five feet along the California coastline by the year 2100. Researchers say the
Bay Area is at risk for major flooding.
Last night, the Oakland school board voted to keep the Tilden School open for another year.
A teenage girl was shot and killed at 1:30 this morning in East Oakland. OPD has a suspect in custody.
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