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Piles and piles of bikes

on May 17, 2009

Now that it’s summer, people are out riding bikes in full force. Lately, I’ve been taking pictures of bike piles–I love seeing them, especially when folks get creative locking and hanging their bikes on trees, gates, fences, whatever. Here are some pics:

This pile was at Art Murmur a couple months ago

Art Murmur pile from a couple of months ago

Fix without Dix girls hanging thier bikes on a fence

Fix without Dix ladies hanging thier bikes on a fence

This artsy picture was taken outside Manifesto Bicycles first-year anniversary

Outside Manifesto Bicycles first-year anniversary party

Outside a party--complete with bikes and doilies

Some random party–complete with bikes and doilies

I don't remember where this was, but look at those gold rims!

I don’t remember where this was, but look at those gold rims!

This picture is from the last Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, but I had to include it because all the bicycles in the trees were hilarious

I took this photo last fall at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, but had to include it in this post because it was the most hilarious tree-bike-pile I’ve ever seen.


  1. Oakland North » Lanesplitting on June 1, 2009 at 8:59 am

    […] apartment buildings and more than a few closed-up shops, I saw what appeared to be a bike haven: several bikes clustered together in front of Mama Buzz Café on lower Telegraph.  I didn’t stop.  There would be time for coffee […]

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
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