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November 5, 2009: San Francisco Bay oil spill update

on November 5, 2009

– According to US Coast Guard member Levi Read, 422 gallons of bunker had spilled into the bay. In contrast, over 53,000 gallons entered the bay from the Cosco Busan spill in 2007.

– Approximately 14 birds died from the recent spill and an additional 36 were found oiled but alive. 2,400 birds died in 2007. If you see oiled wildlife call  the oiled wildlife hotline: 1-877-823-6926

– Skimming operations for the recent spill have been completed, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, but shoreline cleanup continues.

– The Alameda County shoreline along San Francisco Bay from Alameda Point to the southern boundary of the Oakland airport remains closed for fishing from the shore, not from boats. The closure will continue until the investigations into public health safety have been completed.

– Shoreline restrictions have been lifted at the Oakland Middle Harbor – north to the Bay Bridge – Oakland Inner Harbor, San Leandro Bay, and the shoreline south of the southern boundary of Oakland Airport to the San Mateo Bridge

– The following land areas remain closed: Robert Crown Memorial State Beach, Middle Harbor Shoreline Park and Encinal Beach

– What does the inside of the Unified Command Center look like? The former Coast Guard cafeteria turned command-hub, although not quite a NASA space station, does include workers adorning different colored vests, office supplies, and maps with colored pins plastering the walls.


  1. san francisco oil spill on May 12, 2011 at 8:43 am

    […] November 5, 2009: San Francisco Bay oil spill update – Oakland … Nov 5, 2009 … According to US Coast Guard member Levi Read, 422 gallons of bunker had spilled into the bay. […]

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
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