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Community Cookbook featured recipe: Rustic Rice

on November 22, 2010

We’re having a great time collecting your favorite Thanksgiving Day recipes for our Community Cookbook and we hope you keep sending them! (Just email Subject: RECIPE. And include a few words about where the recipe came from.)

Today, our featured recipe comes to us from Tonya, no last name given, who wrote that she’s been making this hardy dish for nearly 15 years. The best part of it is that it travels well and can be prepared a day or so in advance, Tonya wrote in an email. There’s also a small final step to complete right before it’s served so you’ll have an excuse to stand next to the just-cooked turkey and “test” the stuffing.

Rustic Rice


(Serves 4)

  • 1 1/2 Cups Chicken Broth (Or use Veggie Broth if you want to make it Vegetarian)
  • 3/4 Cup Wild Rice (you really need wild rice, white or plain brown rice just won’t do! You can also use black & brown rice, but make sure it’s hearty!)
  • 2 tblspn Butter
  • 2 Leeks, rinsed well and sliced thin (use only the white and pale green parts)
  • 1/4 Pound Fresh Shiitake Mushroom, sliced thin (You can also use dried shiitake, just hydrate them first)
  • 1/4 Cup Chopped Hazelnuts, slightly toasted in a frying pan (you can buy them pre-chopped)
  • 1/4 Cup Dried Cranberries


  1. Cook the rice in the chicken broth until done (you want it slightly al dente). When the rice is done, set it aside in a large enough mixing bowl or serving bowl and then:
  2. While the rice is cooking:
    2a. Take your chopped hazelnuts and toast them lightly in a frying pan. You want them golden, but not over done. Set aside.
    2b. Rinse clean and slice the leek into small pieces, using only the pale green parts. I usually cut them 4 times cross wise (long way) then let them soak in a bowl of water for about 5 minutes or so first, swishing them around a bit to get rid of any dirt. Then they clean and easy to cut.
  3. When the rice has finished cooking: using a non-stick pan, cook the leek in the butter over med-high heat, about 3-5 minutes until tender.
  4. Add the sliced Shiitake and a touch of salt to taste and cook for another 2-3 minutes until everything is tender.
  5. Add the leek+mushrooms, cranberries and nuts to the rice.
  6. Mix well and serve warm.

Have a recipe you want to share? Email Subject: RECIPE. And include a few words about where the recipe came from.

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  1. Shelly on November 26, 2010 at 7:25 pm

    We made the Rustic Rice and Persimmon Bread both were delicious thank you for sharing.

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
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