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Oakland school board to decide school closures

on September 23, 2011

The agenda for Oakland’s school board meeting on Tuesday, including a complete list of schools recommended for closure by superintendent Tony Smith, will be available online Saturday afternoon, the schools’ spokesman said.

At its weekly meeting at 5 pm, board members are scheduled to approve or reject the list of recommended closures. Oakland’s school district, comprising 101 schools for just over 38,000 students, has said that for budgetary reasons they need to reduce the large number of schools in the city. The plan, which could span three years, has brought restructuring Oakland’s education system to the forefront.

Three weeks ago the school board released a preliminary list made up of eight elementary schools—Marshall, Burckhalter, Lakeview, Santa Fe, Kaiser, Lazear, Maxwell, Sobrante; and two middle schools—Frick and Claremont. As a result, Oakland residents began to attend regular board meetings, mobilizing in an effort to speak on keeping their schools open.

The issue has become so contentious (a protest took place four days ago) that Tuesday’s meeting has been moved to Oakland High School on MacArthur Boulevard at 5 pm in anticipation of an especially large audience.

The agenda, with its full list, will be available Saturday at 5 pm, here.

Earlier today it was reported that the agenda for Oakland’s school board meeting on Tuesday would be released at 5 pm Friday. The release date has changed to Saturday, September 24, at 5 pm.


  1. […] today it was reported that the agenda for Oakland’s school board meeting on Tuesday, including a complete list of […]

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
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