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After Trump win, protesters move through downtown Oakland

on November 9, 2016

Late Tuesday night, as president-elect Donald Trump was giving his victory speech, a group of protesters moved through downtown Oakland demonstrating against the results of the election.

Shouting “Fuck Trump!” and “Fuck the KKK,” they marched down Broadway. By midnight, the group had about 70 people; the Oakland Police Department (OPD) reported that the group ultimately grew to 250 people before breaking up in the early morning hours.

Some members of the group, wearing black bandanas across their faces, smashed the windows of downtown businesses, set small trashcan fires, and wrote graffiti on walls. Others, trailing the group, tried to clean up after them.

According to an OPD statement released at about 4:30 am Wednesday morning, there were no injuries and no arrests had been made, although police issued one citation to a protester.

Oakland North will continue to update this story.

Photos by Mary Newman and Yesica Prado. Photo slideshow compiled by Khaled Sayed.


  1. […] the march were cautious; during demonstrations following Trump’s election, demonstrators had smashed windows, set fires and committed other acts of vandalism downtown. “I’m all for protesting and letting your voice be heard, but when you break […]

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
Oakland North

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