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Building shot of Everett & Jones Barbeque at 126 Broadway

Looking for a debate watch party in Oakland?

on September 8, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump will face off for the first time in a highly anticipated debate on Tuesday.

With such high stakes, people from across the political spectrum will be gathering to watch history unfold.

Here are three places where you can find debate watch parties in Oakland.

Protect the House Presents: Debate watch party

  • Location: Everett & Jones Barbeque, 126 Broadway (pictured above)
  • Time: 6 to 10 p.m.
  • Cost: Free
  • Website:

Nina Moore, 49, part-owner of Everett & Jones Barbeque, said her mother started the tradition of hosting a debate watch party at the longtime black-owned business in 2007, when Barack Obama was running for president.

“This time it’s different though,” Moore said, seated at a table in the smoky sweet air of Everett & Jones in Jack London Square.

“People get to see what Kamala is really about.”

Though Moore is rooting for Harris, she says the watch party is bipartisan.

“That’s the plan, is to bring in people who are normally not into politics but want to be a part and don’t know where to start,” Moore said. “This is a great starting place.”

Building shot of Oakstop at 1721 Broadway

Politics Suck’: The debate hosted by comedians

  • Location: Oakstop at 1721 Broadway or via Zoom
  • Time: Doors open at 5:30 p.m., the debate starts at 6:30 p.m. and a post debate discussion will take place from 8 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Cost: On a “pay what you can basis.”
  • Site:

Rather than “sitting in your room alone, bashing your head against the wall or throwing a rock at the TV,” “Politics Suck,” is a way to “just get through it,” said comedian and organizer Cynthia Inpublic.

It is meant to bring tolerance, humor and discussion to watching the presidential debate.

The idea came to Inpublic about two months ago, right before the Biden-Trump debate, when watching “two white old men fighting against each other on stage” wasn’t very appealing.

“Obviously a lot has changed since then, but no matter what, politics still suck,” she said.

“I just want people to be informed and watch the debates,” Inpublic said. “If you have a group of comedians that are just hilarious and also politically minded, I think that it’s a good way to just engage people and make them want to cry a little bit less.”

White sign reads Monaghans On The Hill Restaurant Lounge
D.Monaghans On The Hill at 2820 Mountain Boulevard Oakland (Alana Minkler photos)

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc, the Oakland Bay Area Chapter and the 100 Black Men Bay Area: Nonpartisan watch party

“We wanted to make it a fun and social event where anybody from any age group, gender, racial background could come out and just view the debate in a social setting,” said Neale Clunie, chairperson of 100 Black Men Bay Area’s civic engagement committee.

The coalitions also will be registering voters and providing information to let first-time voters and inactive voters know how they can get engaged, he added.

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
Oakland North

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