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Oakland to be hit by PG&E power cuts: Useful links for Oaklanders

on October 9, 2019

Oakland is expected to be among the Bay Area cities affected by PG&E power cuts starting today. According to a release sent out by the mayor’s office, the cuts will begin in some parts of Oakland at noon on Wednesday.

The cuts are part of the power company’s effort to avoid sparking fires caused by downed power lines during hot, windy weather.

Oakland North reporters will be out in the field all day to learn how the cuts are affecting the city and local residents. Got something to share with us? Email or comment on this post!

Here are some websites with useful information:

City of Oakland website with information on city park and recreation center closures, key phone numbers for assistance, and information about fire and emergency response preparations.

City workers also developed this map of the areas most likely to be affected by Wednesday’s power cuts.

The San Francisco Chronicle has a Bay Area Outage Tracker that you can use to see whether your home or workspace is in an affected area.

PG&E has supplied some information about how to prepare for a power shutdown here and more information about the current outage here.

PG&E has opened one resource area per county where people can charge devices, use a restroom or cool off with air conditioning. Alameda County’s location is in Oakland: Merritt College, Lot B, Leona Street, Oakland.

The Oakland Unified School District’s website states that all schools will remain open on Wednesday except for Skyline High School. You can check for updates on Oakland schools here.

The campuses for Mills College and Holy Names University are closed for Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday classes have been cancelled at UC Berkeley.

BART officials say they expect no disruptions in train service if power is shut down. You can get more information from the BART website.

The East Bay Regional Parks District is closing some parks and facilities, and will be restricting trail access in some areas. You can find the latest information on their website.

The Pacific ADA Center, which provides information to people with disabilities and who may depend on medical devices or centers for treatment, has provided this downloadable information sheet for medical device users and their caretakers.

We will continue to add information as we get it.


  1. […] Oakland North will continue to update this story. You can find a list of useful websites that will have updates on the outage and the availability of … […]

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
Oakland North

Oakland North is an online news service produced by students at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and covering Oakland, California. Our goals are to improve local coverage, innovate with digital media, and listen to you–about the issues that concern you and the reporting you’d like to see in your community. Please send news tips to:

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