Thomas Denesha pulls up a purple bike on a rack and proceeds to take the front wheel off. The helmet is still attached to the handlebar. Its owner dropped it off at Uptown 19th Street BART Bike Station Friday morning, knowing his bike will be well taken care of while he goes to work. “He parks here every day and noticed some problems with his shifter,” said Denesha, who works there. The bike is now dismantled into two parts. The…
It is 7 p.m. and the young makers at Curiosity Hacked are swiftly moving between the laser cutter and their workbenches. This Tuesday, the kids have one mission in mind: creating BattleBots for the spring competition.
Carlos Mendoza, a high school student, comes every Monday night at Liberating Ourselves Locally for Hack Night. Sitting in the back of the room next to his mentor, Mendoza takes out his laptop and starts typing. At 18 he is one of the group’s youngest members. He also has a big project underway: Mendoza is creating his own video game.