At Oakland International High School, an edible forest begins to bloom

Banana and apples trees, pomegranate, pear, and plum. Blackberries and strawberries, lemons and persimmons. Thyme, sage, and a host of other herbs. This isn’t a supermarket produce section or a busy Saturday farmer’s market—it’s an edible forest, two of them in fact, planted by students in the courtyard of Oakland International High School.

Contemporary art gallery opens in West Oakland

A contemporary art gallery in West Oakland debuted this month with an exhibition of Bay Area artists, filling the top floor of a former auto service center with abstract paintings, whimsical sculptures and an old, wooden chair cast in aluminum.

Community group speaks out against billboards in Oakland Army base deal

A new community group is gearing up to protest billboards slated for West Oakland as part of the Army base redevelopment deal approved by City Council in June. The group’s founders say the billboards would degrade the community, while the developer and city officials argue that roadside ads will be an important source of revenue for the project.

New emissions rules expected to improve West Oakland air quality

West Oaklanders will breathe easier—literally—in the coming months as they start to feel the effects of recently implemented emissions regulations for trucks at the Port of Oakland. The first phase went into effect in 2010, and tougher rules are on the horizon for early 2014. The regulations are applauded by health experts, who link diesel exhaust to high rates of asthma, but others say these strict rules could put thousands of truck drivers out of work.

Three victims of West Oakland shooting in critical condition

Seven people, including a 1-year-old child, were injured in a shooting on the 700 block of Willow Street in West Oakland Monday evening. The shooting, which happened at approximately 6:30 pm, injured five men, one woman and 1-year-old Hiram Lawrence, who is currently in critical condition.

Oakland officials react to voters’ rejection of ballot measures

Oaklanders voted Tuesday to reject three ballot measures, which would have imposed an $80 parcel tax on homeowners to hire more police officers, extended the deadline for police and firefighter pension payments to stabilize the city budget, and changed the city attorney from an elected to an appointed position.

Timeline of Occupy Oakland

The Occupy Wall Street movement began in September in New York City, and soon protesters were setting up camps in cities across the country. The Occupy Oakland camp was set up on the afternoon of October 10 and occupied the plaza in front of Oakland’s city hall for two weeks. On October 25, campers were evicted and since that morning, there have been a series of actions from both city officials and protesters. Click through the timeline to see the sequence of major events surrounding the Occupy Oakland movement.