Oakland. Home of the Black Panthers. Of Gertrude Stein. Of notorious corners, multimillion-dollar drug empires. Hyphy music. Hella. And, more recently, of the upscale Blue Bottle Coffee. Now according to an online real estate company called Movoto, Oakland is the most exciting city in America. Movoto regularly releases top 10 lists, among them “The 10 Most Redneck Cities in America” and “The 10 Nerdiest Cities in America.” When it came to excitement, Oakland took the top slot, with Boston taking second,…
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a rabbit named Nemo. Finding Nemo at the shelter won’t be hard – he is the cute, fluffy boy excited to find a home of his own. He always wants to come out of his cage to play and enjoys to be pet. He is very easy-going, even with being held, and would…
An estimated 6,000 cat lovers gathered in Oakland on Saturday for the Internet Cat Video Festival. Yes, you read that right—Internet Cat Video Festival.
Extremely tall pink bikes, decorated beach cruisers, twin bikes and even a Scandinavian model took over the streets of Old Oakland Wednesday evening and clustered at the Happy Hour Bike Party as Oaklanders celebrated the end of the 20th East Bay Bike to Work Day, organized by the East Bay Bicycle Coalition (EBBC). “With Bike to Work Day, we want to get more people to bike and improve the quality of biking in the East Bay,” said Renee Rivera, director…
There are a number of free or discounted health clinics across Oakland — like La Clinica de la Raza in the Fruitvale, or Asian Health Services in Chinatown. Now, West Oakland has its own reproductive health clinic. Reporter Madeleine Thomas has the story of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s new location on Seventh Street.
Enjoy the photo gallery for our weekly series, The Pulse of Oakland. This week’s featured ZIP code is 94619, which includes Redwood Regional Park and part of the Oakland Hills.
The American Indian Model Schools (AIMS) community is counting down until the last day of school, June 30, which could be the last day of classes for the controversial three-school charter organization.
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Jessica Jung. She writes, “I took it on 14th St near Harrison. I took it because it says ‘I love Oakland’ in Korean! I love how it represents a piece of our city’s diversity pie.” If you’d like to contribute to “community photo of the week,” just send a favorite photograph taken in Oakland to with the subject: PHOTO. Please make all photographs…
Media Enterprise Alliance teaches students from Oakland high schools how to create and produce their own media.