William Bratton’s caused a stir in Oakland, and he hasn’t even arrived yet. The former top cop in Los Angeles and New York has been contracted by Strategic Policy Partnership, a law enforcement consulting group based in Massachusetts, to join a group of six policing experts tasked with improving public safety in Oakland.
The California Highway Patrol will stay in Oakland, adding two extra months to their policing presence that started in November 2012. That’s the decision the City Council made Tuesday night, when the approved a memorandum of understanding for $162,000.
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Mark Gartland. He writes, “Here’s an image I took this weekend walking the lake … it’s at Christ the Light Church and a bit futuristic.” If you’d like to contribute to “community photo of the week,” just send a favorite photograph taken in Oakland to with the subject: PHOTO. Please make all photographs large-sized and in jpeg format. Oakland North cannot pay…
Every holiday season Nancy DeWeese and her husband, Gary, host a Christmas party. But it’s not your average family gathering, because this is not your average family. At these parties, three dozen children from all walks of life, including the couple’s four biological kids, gather to share in a common experience: Each child has spent part of their lives growing up at the DeWeese family home in Moraga. “They see each other and they’re like, ‘Oh, we started out as…
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a pair of dog friends named Gloria and Mouse.
The Oakland Asian Cultural Center welcomed the Year of the Snake at its annual Lunar New Year event in downtown Oakland on Saturday. The 2013 festival showcased dance and musical performances from groups throughout the Bay Area’s Asian community, including the Rising Dragon Culture Center Lion Dance Troupe, who opened the show with dragons prancing around. Students of Seibi Lee, the center’s artist-in-residence preformed Kathak, a classical dance from India, while Winnie Wong and Diana Rowan played the harp and the piano. Throughout…
“How would you like to have husbands who have testicles that weigh 14 percent of their body weight?” asked Harry Santi to a handful of women at the Oakland Zoo on Friday.
He isn’t talking about any sort of terrifying medical anomaly here. Santi, 81, a docent at the Oakland Zoo, is referring to the tuberous bushcricket, a type of tiny katydid, and one of dozens of animals with unusual, peculiar, or fascinating sex lives that were highlighted at Oakland Zoo’s annual Animal Amore this Valentine’s Day.
When you’re in high school, it can be difficult to envision what you’ll be doing in 10 years, five years or even one year after you graduate. But Oakland Tech parents and teachers wanted to emphasize how important it is for students to start thinking about their futures.
Welcome to the debut photo gallery for The Pulse of Oakland. Oakland North reporters will be taking photographs documenting each of the ZIP codes in Oakland over the next few months. Every neighborhood is diverse and different, and we want to capture that. This week’s featured ZIP code is 94601 in East Oakland. The area includes Fruitvale, Peralta Hacienda and other neighborhoods. Of course, we can’t see everything in Oakland ourselves. So we also want to know how you view this…