West Oakland’s community-developed air pollution plan passes first hurdle
The Oakland City Council voted earlier this month to move forward with a new plan for preventing violence. This is the latest development in the city’s ongoing efforts to establish the new Department of Violence Prevention.
A fast, low-emission bus line is on track to begin service at the end of this year. That could be a boon for bus riders. But some merchants on International Boulevard say it’s caused problems for business.
Oakland City Hall was packed Tuesday night, with nearly every seat filled by a resident who had something to say. As the meeting crept towards the midnight hour, people trickled out and one man left huffing in exasperation. Most of the people were there to talk about the last agenda item of the evening, the impending Vacant Property Tax Act authored by Council President Rebecca Kaplan, Dan Kalb (District 1), and Abel Guillén (District 2). The tax, on the ballot…
No Spectators: Art of Burning Man provides the community with an engaging, interactive, and thought provoking look inside the world of Burning Man.
Climate change has made California hotter and drier, leading to more explosive wildfires and a longer fire season. Experts say it will only get worse.
On the otherwise quiet and dimly-lit Clay Street, a group of roughly 50 people gathered for a candlelit vigil in front of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Oakland headquarters on Thursday evening. Protestors held tea light candles as they gathered around speakers, who led the crowd through moments of somber observance, followed by chanting: “PG&E is a convicted felon!” referring to a ruling by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) that PG&E was responsible for the…