The City Council on Tuesday night voted in a slew of programs aimed at reducing violent crime in Oakland, including hiring a police consulting firm for $250,000, contracting with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, hiring 20 civilians to assist police, and funding a third police academy in two years.
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Joy Whitaker.
A photography class at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism documented the Oakland stretch of Telegraph Avenue last fall in photos. This photo series follows Telegraph Avenue from 51st Street in Temescal to the heart of downtown Oakland at 14th Street.
Festivities commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. Day were in full swing Monday with dozens of Oakland residents celebrating the holiday and the national day of service.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a cat named Atlas.
Restaurants across the city are offering special, fixed-price menus for Oakland’s third annual Restaurant Week. The ten-day event began on Friday and will run until January 27, offering diners an array of choices from seafood to Mexican, Vietnamese or Ethiopian cuisine.
From his dark, cramped second floor office, David Sarber looks out a narrow window to the sales floor below, surveying the final days of the business his family has run for some 50 years. A large sign outside reads: “LIQUIDATION SALE Everything Must Go.” After opening in 1961 and coming to Montclair Village in Oakland in 1964, Sarber’s Cameras will close up shop at the end of January.
From park clean-ups to film festivals to musical performances, there are plenty of ways to honor civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr. in 2013.
Oakland’s art galleries are kicking off 2013 with a round of new exhibits, from abstract sculptures and bold paintings to photographs and seemingly mundane objects portrayed in a new light. Art enthusiasts can roam Oakland from Alcatraz Avenue to the waterfront this month in search of inspiration, distraction or a fun outing on a weekend afternoon.