At Lincoln Elementary School and nearly 50 other Oakland schools, the custodians, nutrition staff and faculty have banded together to use lunchtime as an opportunity to teach students how to compost.
Oakland residents registered to vote at a special Tuesday event called National Voter Registration Day, a nationwide nonpartisan campaign to sign up as many new voters as possible in a single day.
Amidst the clamor of construction and downtown traffic Tuesday, a crowd of patients, nurses and doctors met outside of Kaiser Oakland’s pediatric building to support National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Adorned in school bus-yellow t-shirts emblazoned with “Little Kids Get Cancer, Too,” health care providers and families gathered outside the hospital’s pediatric unit in downtown Oakland. Together, the group rallied to promote childhood cancer awareness and celebrate patients’ personal triumphs against the disease. The gathering was conceived by Clarence Berger-Greer,…
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Kelly Patrick Dugan and he shot it in May, 2012.
Should California end up following the guidelines used for the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in New York, the only other state in the country to adopt such a law, then private employers of full-time babysitters and caretakers will need to follow some new rules.
From September 17 through October 4, most of Oakland Unified School District’s middle and high school students will view the documentary “Bully.”
The 3rd annual Art in Nature festival featured more than 200 artists at Redwood Regional Park in the hills east of Oakland this Sunday.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a cat named Melanie.