The Senseless Bureau knows how to grip their audience with plays on gender, nuance and innuendo. Their improv show—filled with ad-lib, mime and intuition—is provocative and carefree.
I took a deep breath, slipped off my robe, stepped into the salty water, and closed the door behind me. I lay down and tried to be still. I closed my eyes. The sensation that I was surrounded by nothingness took over and I started to slip away.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, we will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Christopher Voss.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s Prim.
Bittersweet settles into its new location in downtown Oakland, as the café becomes one of the new businesses to enter the revitalized area of the East Bay.
For one of the first-time candidates running for public office, the first-ever Oakland Caucus on Thursday night seemed undoubtedly formal. Richard Raya is running for the District 1 council seat, which includes North Oakland, in November, and while his campaigning to this point has involved a lot of community meetings and house parties, this event featured most of the candidates for local political seats in full-on campaign mode as they mingled with voters.
Here is the fifth edition of Oakland North’s guessing game. This week you have eight photos to work with, and three clues to help get you started.
On Wednesday afternoon, students from McClymonds High presented ancestral research projects as part of an event entitled “Remembering Our Past, Moving Toward Our Futures.” For three months, students had conducted ancestral research on their families by interviewing relatives and using genealogical search tools with help from volunteers from the African American Geological Society of California (AAGSC). Students even took a DNA test to find out about where their lineage originated.
Sal Bednarz, the owner of Actual Cafe, will be opening a new food joint slated to open next fall at the intersection of San Pablo and Alcatraz called Victory Burgers serving, you guessed it, hamburgers.