Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, we will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Edward Cervantes.
It’s nearly Thanksgiving, and that means quality time … at the airport. But what’s the fastest way to get there? Last year Oakland North put this eternal question to the (semi-scientific) test by racing reporters on bus, bike, BART and car from Bakesale Betty to OAK. Who got there first, and who made it there with the most intact pie?
Over 200 people gathered in the main hall of the cathedral on Saturday afternoon for a healthy holiday cooking class taught by celebrity chef Rahman “Rock” Harper,winner of the 2007 season of “Hell’s Kitchen,” who showed the audience how to chop, sauté, flip and whisk up a healthy holiday meal, just in time for Thanksgiving.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every Tuesday, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s Bobbi.
Oakland residents gathered outside St. Columba Catholic Church on Friday to honor the 102 people who have died because of violence in the past year.
As parents, students and teachers at Oakland schools grapple with the school board’s recent decision to close five elementary schools, the Adult and Career Education program in the district has already come to terms with cuts that closed two campuses and decimated the program’s funding.
A new suite of rooms at Oakland Children’s Hospital is furnished with bright bedspreads, comfortable couches and chairs, kid-sized furniture, and a refrigerator stocked with snacks–all intended to give the families of profoundly ill or dying children an intimate and homelike surroundings within the hospital.
Oakland joined the Transgender Day of Remembrance memorial this past week, with a mournful roll call honoring more than 200 transgendered people who died in different countries last year, many the victims of hate crimes.
Despite the rain and cold, scores of Occupy Oakland protesters gathered Sunday morning around what remained of the group’s latest makeshift campsite, a vacant lot at 19th Street and Telegraph Avenue. Once again, earlier in the morning, police had cleared away tents and told Occupy protesters they could not camp in the city overnight.