In recent years, same-sex marriage has been a controversial political issue. ON Radio looks at the issue of marriage–why some couples want a wedding, and why others don’t.
Shannon and the Clams is an Oakland-based band that turns life’s awkward moments into damaged pop gems.
Have you looked closely into your neighbor’s backyard recently? If you have, you might have noticed a beehive and thousands of buzzing bees. Turns out, backyard beekeeping is a growing trend in the Bay Area.
This weekend I did the East Bay Tweed Ride. I must admit, at first I was a little skeptical. There were a lot of people affecting English accents and saying things like, “Hello, dear sir!” and “Talk to your dashing neighbors.” But I got over it. Once a couple of my “dashing neighbors” pulled out a portable gin and tonic set, I knew it’d be fun. The outfits were hilarious and amazing — everything from big flowing skirts to tweed…
Come take a behind-the-scenes look at a high school basketball Home Game at Skyline High in Oakland, and meet the people who aren’t supposed to be noticed, and don’t receive much recognition for their work.
Welcome to Oakland North Radio, our new podcast! Ever wonder what happened to all those 60s radicals? Reporter Sam Laird has the story of one activist and freedom singer who’s still spreading the message of love and peace — albeit to a much younger audience.
Oakland Community Organizations (OCO), a faith-based federation of fifty congregations and schools, held a meeting Thursday night to educate and engage the community about violence intervention strategies.
On Friday, students from across the city competed in the 31st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Oratorical Fest, reciting speeches and poetry and performing dramatic skits in front of an audience of about one hundred people.
By 9 a.m. on Saturday, dozens of people were in line outside a warehouse in East Oakland, waiting for the people inside to lift the heavy metal door to the building. They had been there—in some cases for hours—waiting for the mother of all rummage sales: the Oakland Museum Women’s Board’s 51st White Elephant Sale.