In a few months, Leah Kimble-Price will open the house she has been planning with her team—a home in Oakland that will serve sex-trafficked teenagers. As Kimble-Price sits in her office, she talks about her vision for the home. It will be a safe and loving place where girls can heal from trauma.
On Tuesday evening, a small group of protestors gathered in front of the towering Oakland Police Department building downtown to demand answers about the death of Marcellus Toney, 45, who died in the custody of Oakland police in late September.
Last week, over 30 percent of the prisoners at the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility in downtown Oakland participated in a hunger strike to protest what they say are abusive conditions of isolation and poor healthcare in Alameda County jails.
On Tuesday, city council confirmed members of Oakland’s new police commission and were not able to pass a new security services contract for the city
A new law bars the expansion of for-profit immigration detention facilities in California, marking strong opposition to the Trump administration’s efforts to expand detention centers and ramp up deportations.
On Sunday evening, about 40 people gathered for a peaceful vigil in Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood to mourn the loss of a person who died after being tased by Oakland police officers last week.
Residents met to discuss issues facing East Oakland including human trafficking and the sex trade, education, affordable housing, illegal dumping, improving employment opportunities, gun violence, and getting justice for the immigrant and refugee communities.
During a town hall meeting on Wednesday night at Merritt College, Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley and Pamela Price, who is running to replace her, presented their platforms on convicting juvenile offenders, racial socioeconomic disparities in the criminal justice system, and law enforcement accountability.