Before sunrise on October 17, survivors of suicide and those who have lost loved ones to suicide will gather on the shores of Oakland’s Lake Merritt for the 7th Annual Out of the Darkness Community Walk, a fundraiser for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention.
Members of the organization March for Elephants, many of whom are Oakland Zoo staffers, and their supporters marched on Saturday to celebrate the law’s passing as well as protest the ongoing ivory trade in China. The event was called Global March for Elephants – San Fransisco.
While most Californians support the End of Life Options Act that Governor Jerry Brown signed into effect today, there was a notable disparity in the opinions of the African American demographic.
Around 200 people gathered at a vigil Wednesday morning to honor the life of Antonio Ramos. Ramos, a West Oakland-based artist employed by the nonprofit Attitudinal Healing Connection (AHC), was shot and killed Tuesday while working on a mural on West Street between 35th and 36th Streets, under the 580 freeway.
Ethiopians from the Bay Area gathered at Medhani Alem Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Oakland on Sunday to celebrate Meskel, a holiday that commemorates the finding of the True Cross by Saint Helena.
Oaklanders get together weekly for a boozy drawing party at The New Parkway.
Oakland artists sold pieces at the Drawn Together fundraiser, which will support Children’s Fairyland.
On Wednesday, members of the Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity coalition (PHSS) spent hours rallying in the heat to protest the new welfare check procedures in security housing units (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison.
The race remains vibrant despite a shoestring budget and being run by only a couple dozen volunteers.