More than 100 community members attended a rare standing room-only meeting of the Peralta Community College Board of Trustees on Tuesday night. The unusually large crowd came out to share their opinions about the proposed construction of a new stadium for the Oakland A’s between 8th Street and the 880 freeway on land currently owned by the Peralta Community College District. Tuesday’s meeting was an opportunity for Peralta Community College Board of Trustees to hear public concerns about the project…
Specialty Foods, Inc., Oakland’s first African grocery, marks 40 years in business.
During the City Council meeting, the council members discussed Oakland’s shelter crisis, the federal legislation of California firearms laws and the state of the city address.
The city of Oakland will pass an ordinance declaring a two-year emergency shelter crisis as a response to the high number of Oakland residents that are unable to obtain shelter.
Bay Area transportation experts discuss whether drivers should be charged for traffic, pollution and noise.
A new early childhood education center is set to open this fall in East Oakland’s Seminary neighborhood.
City of Oakland workers threatened to strike at Tuesday’s meeting of the Oakland City Council.
Oakland artists meet with city officials to discuss the new cultural plan.