Nigerian Independence Day is Oct. 1, but for U.C. Berkeley Nigerians the party took place a few days later, at a hall near campus. It was a party crowded with people and colors from Nigeria and the rest of the African continent. You saw young Nigerian women in their bubas, the Nigerian blouses; their iros, wrap skirts; which in Yoruba usually worn with gele, the head wrap. People sang the national anthem. The smells of the broiled beefsteaks, platters of…
Oakland’s La Clínica de la Raza offers an array of programs to improve the physical, psychological and social well-being of men and women living with HIV.
Cancer survivors, their families and caregivers were honored recently at “By Your Side,” an event held in a garden near Kaiser Permanente’s Broadway Medical Offices in Oakland.
Proposition 45, a November ballot measure empowering the state’s elected insurance commissioner to rule on health insurance rate hikes, is drawing heated debate and hefty donations from Oakland groups with a stake in health care.
New Start Tattoo Removal, an Oakland-based Alameda County Public Health Department program, provides free tattoo removal and mentorship services to young Alameda County residents..
The first ‘Feeding the 5,000’ event in the United States took place at Frank Ogawa Plaza on Saturday. More than 5,000 servings of lunch were prepared out of fruits and vegetables that would otherwise have been wasted.
Thousands of Bay Area residents who were told they were about to lose their state health care coverage will now be able to keep their insurance plans.
After 18 months of negotiations, pediatric resident physicians and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland reached an agreement last week on a new contract that doesn’t include a salary increase, but raises the residents’ educational allowance for such things as books, computers and supplies.
CRUSH stands for Connecting Resources for Urban Sexual Health: the program targets 18- to 29-year-old men of color who are gay, bi or who have sex with other men, as well as transgender men who have sex with men and people who have HIV-positive partners. One of CRUSH’s key services is prescribing Truvada.