Alameda county residents who show exceptional commitment and service are recognized.
The popular swimming destination reopened after a toxin-producing blue-green algae forced a closure earlier this summer.
Volunteers rolled up their sleeves to clear trash, weed, plant, and restore creek beds at Oakland’s 20th Annual Earth Day event on Saturday. They joined more than a billion people worldwide in what environmentalists call the largest civic observance in the world.
Out of a small section of warehouse space in West Oakland, Eric Maundu is growing a big dream. He wants to make it possible for almost anyone to grow food in an economical, energy efficient and water saving manner.
Though the Bay Area experienced a few showers this week, far more rain is needed to make a dent in the state’s water shortage.
For independent truckers at the Port of Oakland who have not yet complied with pollution regulations, the New Year may mean the loss of a job.
In a boon for West Oakland residents, cancer-causing diesel pollution from the Port of Oakland’s maritime operations has plunged 70 percent.
Last weekend, Oakland held its first-ever sustainability jam, which encouraged people to create solutions to economic, environmental and social problems.
A wind storm struck the bay area last night, causing widespread power outages and damage throughout Oakland.