Union members and labor leaders gathered at the Alameda County Labor Council office on Monday to voice their support for Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and their opposition to the effort to recall her.
City officials and bicycle advocates and riders gathered Friday to celebrate the addition of new bike lanes on Webster Street and Franklin Street in downtown Oakland.
Two ordinances aimed at reducing waste in Alameda County moved a step closer to implementation on Wednesday afternoon. The Alameda County Waste Management Authority board voted unanimously to introduce an ordinance at a planned meeting January 25 that would ban single-use checkout bags for many retailers in the county. The board also voted Wednesday to introduce a mandatory recycling ordinance which would require businesses and managers or owners of multi-family buildings to recycle at that meeting and put it before a vote.
Oakland police late Thursday night confiscated the SS Don’t Let the Banks Punk You Out, a raft launched onto Lake Merritt less than a week ago in order to advertise for the West Coast port shutdown and Occupy the lake — or Aquapy it, rather.
For more than 60 years, the Chinese Exclusion Act legally prevented Chinese people from legally immigrating to the United States. On Wednesday evening, Mayor Jean Quan hosted an event celebrating the contributions of immigrants to the United States on the anniversary of the day the exclusion act was repealed.
CERI is a non-profit organization that provides mental health and social services to refugee and immigrant families, mostly Cambodians. All of the girls in its support group have parents who are Cambodian refugees, and they all live in high crime neighborhoods in the East Bay. Many of them know other girls—friends, former classmates—who have become involved in “the life,” a term for the underground world of prostitution.
Five Oakland school board members will be receiving more than season’s greetings from frustrated parents today. They’re getting news that a recall campaign has been launched against them for voting to close five Oakland elementary schools in late October.
Occupy Oakland protesters remained at the Port of Oakland through Monday night and into Tuesday morning, disrupting business for the third time in less than 24 hours, a spokesman for Occupy Oakland said.