Public Policy

In the rain, police rout Occupy campers from their latest downtown site

Despite the rain and cold, scores of Occupy Oakland protesters gathered Sunday morning around what remained of the group’s latest makeshift campsite, a vacant lot at 19th Street and Telegraph Avenue. Once again, earlier in the morning, police had cleared away tents and told Occupy protesters they could not camp in the city overnight.

Occupy Oakland marches again, sets up tents in new downtown site

Despite warnings from police and Mayor Jean Quan against setting up any more campsites in Oakland, Occupy Oakland protesters staged a peaceful march Saturday and then broke into a fenced downtown lot to begin staking more tents. Some neighbors pleaded with them, in vain, not to camp there.

Oakland officials have a new development plan for army base

The old Oakland Army Base, a 330-acre parcel that stretches from the city’s waterfront to the base of the Bay Bridge and into West Oakland, has lain fallow for more than a decade, as officials from the city and the Port of Oakland have mulled over how best to use the space. Over the past twelve years, plans for redeveloping the army base, which is owned in equal parts by the port and the city, have ranged from the spectacular…

Occupiers pitch more tents at Snow Park

At the Occupy Oakland encampment at Snow Park near Lake Merritt, cooking equipment that used to serve hot meals in the middle of the camp is gone, and the library and clothes donation area are a shell of what they once were–but, since the evacuation of the Frank Ogawa Plaza Occupy camp this Monday, the number of tents at Snow Park has been growing.