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San Bruno gas line fire kills four, so does violence in Oakland

on September 10, 2010

A gas line exploded into flame last night in a residential neighborhood of San Bruno. Four people are reported dead and 20 injured. Early this morning, San Bruno officials said the fire was 75 percent contained.

Melanie and Bryan Perkin and their three children fled their house last night as the vinyl from the window frames melted into the grass of their lawn in the intense heat. “I’m just so grateful to be alive,” Melanie Perkin said.


Info for those interested in donating to the relief effort at; those who want to donate blood can call Blood Centers of the Pacific (888) 393-GIVE.

Violence in Oakland in the last two weeks, has killed the one more than died in last night’s fire over the past two weeks. Four people have been murdered in Oakland since Friday, Aug. 27, according to the Oakland Crimespotting website. A fifth murder was reported Thursday in the Oakland Tribune.


  1. Paul NorthernCalif on September 11, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Your practical reminder is appreciated. My heart goes out to those who’ve suffered due to the inferno in San Bruno. To lose all you’ve had, or the life of loved ones is incalculable. I imagine the San Bruno community affected feels vulnerable, confused, and grieves what’s transpired this past Thursday. It’s not easy to lose one’s emotional safety, tranquility and sense of stability in the flash of gas line eruption. My prayers are for those affected. I wish them the very best as they take steps to recover from their recent losses.
    On the other hand, Oakland suffers ongoing tragedies almost daily, each week, month and year. This beautiful city regularly experiences shootings, robberies, muggings, domestic violence and the insidious influence of drugs and gang warfare. Would it be possible for the San Francisco Chronicle to portray these just-as-real East Bay losses with the same concern and compassion they have for San Bruno’s recent tragedy? Oakland’s difficulties are ongoing. They’re not the occasional flash of a fluke of gas-fueled circumstances. Concentrated attention to the hot spots of Oakland’s urban difficulties is equally as important as the headlines that have garnered attention to San Bruno’s plight.
    I try to do my part. I’m committed to community work. Through a non-profit organization, I assist friends and family members of those who suffer from the illness of alcoholism, perfectionism and control issues. Others who suffer from addiction to unhealthy eating, I work with, as well. If each of us were to get involved in areas that concern us, be it the environment, drug abuse, improving our local schools, providing recreational activities or whatever, we take a step towards staying in the solution. This is a more productive alternative to just complaining about problems that present themselves in our community. Thank you for your reminder of the need to be sensitive to the needs of Oakland and other less prominent,hard hit cities in the East Bay.
    Those who live in Oakland constantly face danger: the possibility of harm presents itself regularly. Kudos to each person who does his or her part to make Oakland and other East Bay cities a place where families, adults and children can better enjoy constructive things their city has to offer. Let’s contribute towards Oakland’s improvement and that of other local cities by investing our time and resources in programs and activities that enrich our community and ourselves. We might want to consider getting involved in community service that develops our character. Service often expanding our minds and hearts. Additionally, It usually increases our compassion and support for others in need. I can’t think of a better way of making this world safer for my family, friends, community or myself.

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
Oakland North

Oakland North is an online news service produced by students at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and covering Oakland, California. Our goals are to improve local coverage, innovate with digital media, and listen to you–about the issues that concern you and the reporting you’d like to see in your community. Please send news tips to:

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