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Couples search for love on Mars at Chabot Center event

on February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day — a day to shower those you love with candy and flowers, kisses and hugs. But some couples searched for a different way to show they care — by attending a Love Mission to Mars at the Chabot Space and Science Center in the Oakland hills.

The Chabot Center held four different mission with launches over the weekend. For $85, couples were treated to hors d’oeuvres and wine and were even able to explore other exhibits at the center during the day, but the mission to Mars was the main attraction. Each “astronaut” went through a pre-launch briefing, donned a spacesuit, and helped the spaceship’s commanders, Susan Carroll and Henry Rosenthal, get the space craft back to Earth before a dust storm stranded them all on the Red Planet. The event sold out on Saturday and was expected to be full on Sunday as well.

For those who think space travel might just be for them, the Chabot Center holds special space missions for most major holidays. Check online for further details.

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Photo by Basil D Soufi
Oakland North

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