SBA loan program swamped

President Obama’s stimulus package meant little to Linda Russell until she went to borrow money at OneCalifornia Bank in Oakland for her school photography business, Mugshot. But when her $300,000 loan was quickly approved she discovered what the stimulus is all about. “I think the Recovery Act is working,” said the San Rafael based photographer and business entrepreneur who plans to expand with an online presence and possibly franchise the idea to other parts of the country. Russell is not…

Check Out Your Neighbor’s Art—Round 2

For someone like me who does not have a car and has never driven, choosing a route to explore Oakland’s art scene was difficult.   I decided to focus on art galleries along Telegraph Avenue. It turned out that Oakland is a walker-friendly art city. I started out from The Warehouse at 416 26  St. where I was greeted by Jana Grover‘s Broken Mind series.  If there had not been an artist’s name nearby, I might have thought they were…

140 fewer officers? Try 202

Mayor Ron Dellums’ proposal to reduce the Oakland Police Department by 140 officers if he fails to get federal stimulus money could end up cutting 202 officers and effectively ending  community policing, according to police. The emergency 911 would not be affected, police said. “It is going to be traffic officers and Problem Solving Officers,” said Jeffrey Thomason, the public information officer at the Oakland Police Department. Thomason said that even if the cuts were made, the Oakland Police Department…

Oakland follows Detroit

At Bay Bridge Auto Center, Mike Khugiani is Chrysler’s latest casualty. “Chrysler decided to discontinue the dealership with us,” said Khugiani, the general sales manager. That means fewer cars to offer at the dealership that also sells GM and Nissan. On the other side of the street at Honda of Oakland, the long decline of the U.S. auto industry has only added customers, said Raymond Kwan, sales manager Honda of Oakland. Detroit may be 2,400 miles away, but the U.S….

I scream, you scream, we all scream on College Avenue

At the age of eight, Adrienne Wander is already a food connoisseur. “As far as quality goes, Ici is the best, Tara’s vanilla is great,” said the elementary school foodie licking her favorite Dreyer’s Fudge Track. She knows her ice cream, in part a result of living near creamery row on College Avenue. The commercial corridor is home to Dreyer’s, which created Rocky Road in 1929 after the stock market crash,  Ici Ice Cream, the hip and gourmet  parlor, which …

Salsa by the lake

Salsa lovers in the Bay Area on Sunday gathered in at the Splash Pad Park for the 3rd annual Salsa by the Lake. More than 250 people, from toddlers to elderly enjoyed salsa and the hot rhythm played by Rumbache.  

Oakland artists eye $$ for community projects

More than 50 local artists envisioning sunflower murals, films and other projects attended an orientation Thursday at City Hall to find out about the Oakland Open Proposals program in which the city will give out $100,000 for art projects. “We still have money to fund art, even though the budget is cut across the board,” Steven Huss, the Cultural Arts Program Coordinator at Oakland’s Cultural Art and Marketing Department, told the artists. “I would like to detox some parts of…

North Oakland Now:05.24.09

It is Memorial Day weekend. However, Californians are so worried about the economy and the state’s budget crisis that fewer us are going on vacation even with lower gas prices. But let’s take a break from all the worries. We have a lot to do within our own turf without having to get in the car and drive for  hours. We can explore the history of African American decedents in Mexico at the Oakland Museum of California. You can spend $10 to…

North Oakland Now:05.22.09

It is getting warming up–outside and in Oakland’s political community with more talks about budget cuts. Is Mayor Dellums too optimistic about getting stimulus money to fund Oakland’s police department? The Oakland Tribune has a very good piece on budget cuts in the police department and A Better Oakland chastised the media frenzy on this issue two weeks ago. The residents hoping that a new superintendent for the Oakland Unified School District will fix the failing school system are sending…