Oakland Museum shines ‘overdue light’ on works by artists with disabilities

Colorful prints, intricate fashion designs and unique animations are just a few examples of what museum-goers can expect from the Oakland Museum of California’s new multimedia art exhibition “Into the Brightness,” opening May 19.  The exhibition is a collaboration between the museum and Bay Area art studios Creativity Explored, Creative Growth and NIAD, all of which have a decadeslong history of supporting artists with developmental disabilities.  “Into the Brightness” has three main sections: “Welcome,” which will feature artists working on…

State board tells OUSD school closures violated labor law

The Oakland Unified School District Board of Education’s decision last year to close or merge schools violated labor law, the California Public Employment Relations Board said in a proposed decision released this week.  The PERB report says the decision to close or merge 11 schools violated the Educational Employee Relations Act — which establishes collective bargaining in California public schools and community colleges — because it was made “without providing notice and the opportunity to bargain the effects of that decision…