Hyowon Lihinag-Tam

Trade jobs fair helps give young women skills for the construction field

As about 270 young women stepped off the school charter buses and onto the Drywall and Lathers and Carpenters Training Center in Hayward California, they excitedly talked about the different workshops set up for them. Students crowded the booths, all anxiously waiting to receive their construction goggles and begin the day. This year marked the 3rd Annual Women Can Build Career Skilled Trades Fair, an all-day event for women to gain hands-on experience and learn about the opportunities available in the…

Oakland Unified School District hosts college fair

It was a busy afternoon at Oakland Technical High School as students from all over Oakland gathered in the school’s cafeteria to meet with college admissions counselors from all over the country. Students walked around with smiles on their faces after speaking to different college admissions counselors about possibilities for their futures. Admissions counselors greeted prospective students by passing out brochures featuring their school. Parents trailed behind their students anxious to see which counselor they would talk with next. Nikko…

Schools in Oakland host Latinx Literature Read-In week

“Latinx Literature Read-In Week” took place from October 2 to 6 at many schools within the Oakland Unified School District including Allendale Elementary, Futures Elementary, and Fruitvale Elementary. The week focused on gathering volunteers to perform read-alouds in classrooms and host Family Literacy Nights. The event was organized by Lilly Smith, a program coordinator for Oakland School Volunteers, a group that brings people together to assist with school events. The event aims to honor Latinx Heritage Month, particularly writers and illustrators from a Latino/Latino…

OUSD talks plan to refurbish old schools and redistribute resources

On Thursday night, Oakland community members met at the Think College Now campus to discuss the “Blueprint for Quality Schools,” the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD)’s plan to refurbish old school buildings and use school resources more effectively. The “community dialogue” was one of four planned for this week, and attracted about 30 people.