Men’s volleyball surges into Oakland high school programs

The Oakland Athletic League established men’s volleyball as a California Interscholastic Federation sport three years ago. Oakland High School, Oakland Technical High School, and Skyline High School are the first schools within the league to compete. Oakland High School has dominated the league ever since its debut back in 2015 and has been league’s only champions ever since. This year they look to continue that domination and win the championship once again. Click the video above to hear from the…

Oakland High School football player talks about his experience in the college recruitment process

For high school football players across the country, it’s an uphill battle as they strive to become Division 1A scholar athletes who will go on to play college football. However, for Siale Liku, a junior offensive and defensive tackle at Oakland High School, this uphill battle might soon become a victory. He is currently being scouted by the University of California Berkeley, University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Fresno State University, San Jose State University, Washington State University, University of…

Childcare advocates push for Measure A on the Alameda County June ballot

On a bright Saturday morning, approximately 200 people gathered at the Boys and Girls Club in San Leandro in support of the campaign kick-off for Measure A: Alameda County’s Ballot Measure for Child Care and Early Education. Measure A will appear on the county’s June ballot in 2018. If passed, Measure A will enact a half-percent sales tax, which will generate approximately $140 million annually. The county will use the money to extend more childcare resources to low and middle-income…

Oakland High School pathway programs prepare students for college

Oakland High School is the first school within the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) to have all their students enrolled in what they call “wall to wall” college preparation programs. School staff implemented them in the hopes of achieving higher retention rates between 10th and 11th grade, and higher graduation rates. These college preparation programs include Advance Via Individual Determination (AVID), the Environmental Science Academy (ESA), Visual Arts and Academics Magnet Program (VAAMP), Project Lead the Way (PLW), and the…

It’s All Good Bakery in Oakland

The It’s All Good Bakery smells like sweets. There are all kinds of baked goods on display, such “sock it to me cake,” “7-Up pound cake,” chocolate chip squares, coconut cake, yellow cake, banana pudding cake, and sweet potato cake. There are also Black Panther Party posters up on the wall and pictures from the civil rights movement. One of the posters says: “The Black Panther Party for Self Defense Opened the Party’s first office at this location.” In October,…

Oakland school district hosts high school fair

As Oaklanders approach the middle of the academic school year, both parents and middle school students are beginning to plan ahead by figuring out which high school will be the best fit for them next year. The Oakland Unified School District hosted a high school fair at Roosevelt Middle School on December 6, which attracted  approximately 30 parents and students. During the fair, they had the chance visit with different high schools’ representatives and get their questions answered. School representatives from…

High school football player Ronald Jenkins

Crack, snap, and pop. That it is all you hear on the football field as Ronald Jenkins, known to his friends and teammates as RJ, drives his shoulder into the waistline of the ball carrier for the opposing team. With a huge thud that sounds like a body breaking in half, they both hit the turf. As the whistle blows in the background, signaling the end of the play, Jenkins gets up and proceeds to dance, not even acknowledging his…

High school bowling team member Benton Lu

Bang! There go the bowling pins, as Benton Lu knocks down another strike on the bowling lane. He stands there quietly, and admires his work. Then he turns around, and walks back to the resurfacing machine to grab his ball. Lu returns to position to deliver another strike. He cocks his left foot back, and begins to walk slowly towards the lane, like a lion getting ready to devour its prey. His eyes look as if he was in a…

Competing to compete: The rise of Oakland student athletes

Some athletes have a strong passion for their sport, and play it recreationally. Others play their sports because they rely on them to escape the stress of their daily life. And still thers depend on their performance to land them an athletic scholarship, and compete within the Oakland Athletic League hoping to get recruited to college teams and compete at the National Collegiate Athletic Association level. In this series, three Oakland student athletes spoke about what brings them to the field,…

High school volleyball player Hannah Hoang

The ball smacks down right in the middle of the court off of Hannah Hoang’s hand. She quickly runs back into the line, as she gets ready to deliver another devastating spike. She leaps into the air as gracefully as if she were performing ballet, but comes down hard with a spike that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. As a defender on the women’s volleyball team at Oakland Senior High School, Hoang is…