At Tech Liminal, digital workers find a place to connect

Tech Liminal in downtown Oakland bills itself as a tech “hotspot and salon.” It’s a shared office space for professionals who work at home and a DIY workshop for office workers. Tech Liminal is one of two “coworking” spaces in Oakland registered in the Coworking Wiki, a world directory of these alternative offices.

Everything you wanted to know about the recall process but were too afraid (or busy) to ask

The efforts to recall Mayor Jean Quan have been fraught with controversy and confusion. For almost six months, at least four groups spearheaded two independent signature gathering campaigns to remove the mayor from office before her term ends. After heated debates and political tensions, today marks the deadline for the first of the signature gathering efforts. The second group has until July 2.

Welcome to Hoodslam, the party with rock music, drama and a wrestling ring

On the first Friday of every month, the Oakland Metro Operahouse becomes the rendezvous of some of the wildest wrestlers in Northern California. They call it Hoodslam. It’s not exactly a wrestling tournament, it’s their version of a Friday night out, where humans become demons, furry mascots are referees and videogame characters come to life. It’s a party with rock music, drama and a wrestling ring. Nothing makes much sense to first-time goers. All they can do is enjoy the show and watch out for flying objects. Or people.

“The Art of Letterpress” showcases the beauty of print

“The Art of Letterpress” exhibit at The Compound Gallery in Oakland showcases the work of more than 15 print artists from the Bay Area and other letterpress meccas in the U.S. These new wave of printers combine up-to-date design software and materials with printing techniques as old as the Gutenberg press.

Crossroads: Immigration in the East Bay

Immigration has become one the most divisive, controversial and compelling topics of our time. It is also one of the most underreported and misunderstood issues in the country. More than half of the Bay Area population is estimated to be foreign-born, according to data by the Census Bureau, which increases the need for more balanced coverage of immigrant communities in our neighborhoods.

This weekend in Oakland

Community events and activities for the weekend of November 25 – 27. Got an event we didn’t know about? Please add it in the comments! Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

Credit unions see a boost in membership after Bank Transfer Day

Bank Transfer Day was an initiative started by a Los Angeles art gallery owner that urged people to move their money from commercial banks to credit union accounts by Saturday, November 5. According to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), a Washington D.C.-based coalition of state-chartered credit unions, 650,000 people have joined its member institutions since September 29, one week after the launch of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

The pros and cons of Oakland’s proposed parcel tax, Measure I

Oaklanders have six days left to vote for or against Measure I, a tax increase for homeowners that would be used to compensate budget deficits in various city departments, specially the Oakland Police. Mayor Jean Quan’s proposal has incited a heated debate among councilmembers and residents on whether the tax increase will truly help alleviate the city’s financial crisis.

Oakland North has put together this overview of Measure I for Oakland residents who haven’t yet mailed their ballots.