In East Oakland, a couple offers 24-hour, two-parent day care

On a Thursday morning just before lunch, 40-year-old Eugene Hamilton is looking at one of the two-year-old boys in his daycare. “You’re going to behave properly and not like a baby if you want to get back in there,” he says. The young boy wears a clean and snazzy orange flannel shirt, but is delivering a cross between a whine and a cry, the specialty of the walking, but not yet articulate, toddler. Eugene, dressed in crisp Nike casual sportswear,…

Oakland protestors respond to decision not to indict in Eric Garner death

More than 400 protestors marched through the rain-soaked streets of Oakland Wednesday night in sympathy with the family and supporters of Eric Garner, an unarmed African American man who died at the hands of New York City police. On Wednesday morning, a New York City grand jury declined to charge a white police officer who used a banned chokehold that resulted in Garner’s death. The decision set off protests in several cities. Demonstrators in New York City tied up Grand…