After a weekend filled with candy, face paint and costumes, are you longing for your Saturday night back? Monday may just seem like a drab, but wake up North Oakland! Want some news with your coffee? Seven days and counting: the Bay Bridge being closed has made commuting very difficult for some, BUT CalTrans has announced that they will likely finish repairs today at it will open at 9:00 a.m. El Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead,…
Bikers roll in style at Halloween eve Critical Mass in San Francisco.
Happy Halloween OaklandNorth! With the Bridge still down we’re expecting Halloween to be big in downtown Oakland this year, and we’re not the only ones. Safety is high on the agenda, with Oakland police officers and American Emergency Response teams due to be stationed at busy intersections across the city to help children safely reach their trick-or-treating destinations. Studio one is putting on a Halloween House Party at 365 45th Street at 6pm tonight. Yes, we are assured this does…
Bridges, Spills, and Sugar top the daily roundup of all things North Oakland.
Greetings to our dear Oakland North readers, It’s been crunch time for commuters across the Bay area. When the Bay Bridge closed yesterday hundreds of thousands of people were forced to look for alternative routes to and from San Francisco. If you squashed yourself onto a BART carriage yesterday, then you were one of 437, 200 people who set a new record for the highest number of BART riders in a single 24-hour period. BART officials told Oakland North that…
I am a product of Only Child syndrome. Since I moved back to the Bay Area from Fresno, I have spent a lot of time with my parents in Pittsburg. Yesterday, my mother offered to cook me dinner and do my laundry (she had me at hello). The catch: I had to drive to Pittsburg. The 30-minute drive through the Caldecott tunnel was effortless, though, knowing that a home-cooked meal was at the end of my drive. Little did I…
Oakland North is looking to celebrate this ghoulish weekend in style, so would love to hear from readers about what’s coming up. If you have tips for the best trick or treating turf, or who will be wearing the best costume, let us know. Other news that caught our eye: V Smoothe talks about the possibility of the World Cup coming to Oakland The Educational Examiner over in San Francisco highlights former Oakland mayor, Jerry Brown’s charter schools
You made it, Oakland! Happy Friday! Tonight from 5-8pm, you can celebrate the “return of free evening parking” with Oakland retailers throughout the city. Your Black Muslim Bakery is back in the news again this week as the Trib reports BART Board of Directors awarded half of a seven-figure energy-efficiency upgrade deal to Nadir Bey, an associate of deceased Your Black Muslim Bakery founder, Yusuf Bey. The Trib reports that Nadir Bey won the contract despite the fact that he…