You might already know Oakland fashion designer Amy Sarabi from the 7th season of Project Runway, televised on Lifetime Network. Oakland North’s Paige Ricks caught up with Sarabi for a few questions about inspiration, mentorship, and daring to create something ugly.
In this project Oakland North attempted to follows the federal stimulus dollars around Oakland. For the complete story, click here.
For decades, the law enforcement and justice systems have treated juvenile sex workers as criminals, not victims, arresting and locking them up. Now the Oakland Police Department, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office and an Oakland nonprofit that works with sexually exploited youth are exploring alternatives to incarceration. But what’s the best way to do it?
At last Saturday’s Greening Oakland Homes fair at the Montclair Women’s Cultural Arts Club, contractors were on hand to explain the options for going green.
By 9 a.m. on Saturday, dozens of people were in line outside a warehouse in East Oakland, waiting for the people inside to lift the heavy metal door to the building. They had been there—in some cases for hours—waiting for the mother of all rummage sales: the Oakland Museum Women’s Board’s 51st White Elephant Sale.
Friendly Cab in Oakland has put 15 Ford Escape hybrids on the road in the last month in an effort to reduce its carbon emissions.
The cold, gray skies and wind didn’t deter people from riding through Oakland’s Fruitvale district on Saturday to partake in the Tour de Taco.
The federal government launched Making Home Affordable, a loan modification program, last year to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. But as one Glenview woman is finding out, getting lenders to participate isn’t easy.