BART would normally provide over 400,000 rides to people in the Bay Area on an average weekday, according to the group’s most recent ridership report.
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s image from Benjamin Gaunt is of a mural in Downtown Oakland.
The journalism class is part of an effort to incorporate new electives into the school’s curriculum. Claremont Middle now offers 3-D Animation, Ethnic Studies, and Design Thinking courses.
The Oakland City Council tackled the thorny issue of redistricting Tuesday night, hearing from communities of interest about balancing the goals of equalizing numbers of people in each council district, while preserving the integrity of the city’s historic neighborhoods.
At the annual Spirit of Halloween party, patients at the Children’s Hospital don costumes donated by the seasonal store Spirit of Halloween, which pops up in warehouses across the U.S. in the weeks leading up to the holiday.
This Thursday kicks off the American Dream Event, a free, five-day financial fair for homeowners who are looking for ways to lower their monthly mortgage payments and for homebuyers who want to take out a loan.