Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Mark Gartland.
Do I need a permit to be a street performer? How do I find out what happened to a crime I reported? Information about the City of Oakland will be easily available online soon, thanks to this unconventional hacking event.
The Fred Finch Youth Center in Oakland recently celebrated the grand opening of a new transitional housing community for local foster youth. Young adults between 18 and 24 years of age with their own studio apartments so they can gain independence and set themselves up for success as they exit the foster care system.
Oakland North reporter Tasion Kwamilele explores the history of West Oakland from the perspective of her family and other long-time residents who have watched it change.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week we have Celia!
At more than 226 acres, Oakland’s Mountain View Cemetery is a final resting place for some of the Bay Area’s most notable figures. And docents there are uncovering new and interesting tombstones all the time, helping to piece together Oakland’s rich history. Madeleine Thomas has the story.
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Jan Watten. She writes that it’s “a decisive moment at the West Oakland Bart station.” If you’d like to contribute to “community photo of the week,” just send a favorite photograph taken in Oakland to with the subject: PHOTO. Please make all photographs large-sized and in jpeg format. Oakland North cannot pay for community photos, except in gratitude and local love.
In Alameda County, while 38 percent of Native American foster children were placed with families, 30 percent were placed in non-Indian homes. Only 3 percent were placed with Native American families other than their own.
This week, as part of our weekly photo series, the Pulse of Oakland, we are showcasing some of the community contributions to the Flickr stream. Our photographs come from Flickr users Neil Conway, Brandon Tauszik, Tricityterror, bearlikemouse, Kyle Mortara, karmacamilleeon, blocker1501, ljellis, Rachel Medanic, solanita , Regina Aragón and Ellen Lake. Look for more of their photographs on Flickr. We’ve seen some beautiful pictures uploaded to Flickr so far. You can submit your own ZIP code photos to the Pulse of Oakland project on Flickr. If…