OUSD school board vote to merge two pairs of district schools draws outrage from parents, children, and educators, who turned out in force for a lengthy board meeting that continued until Thursday morning.
In West Oakland, volunteers constructed a tiny house village intended for young people.
It was an evening of excitement at The Grand Lake Theater as hundreds of Oakland residents came to witness the premiere of The North Pole Season 2.
At a forum on tobacco use at the Oakland Coliseum, a panel of local health experts and advocates accuses prominent e-cigarrete manufacturer of targeting teens and young adults through its product design.
The jury considering allegations against two men connected with the 2016 Ghost Ship fire reached a verdict on Thursday afternoon, acquitting Max Harris, a former tenant and creative director of the Ghost Ship, of 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. But after the jury deadlocked, Judge Trina Thompson declared a mistrial regarding identical charges against Derick Almena, the Ghost Ship’s primary leaseholder, who now faces a possible second trial. The fire broke out on December 2, 2016, at a party at the…
Chabot Space and Science Center’s “Luminous Moon” exhibition runs through September 8.
A closed downtown Oakland jail could become a new homeless shelter.
Oakland’s largest employer was confronted with protesters on Labor Day, as healthcare workers rallied urging Kaiser Permanente to address staffing shortages and improve wages and patient care. Photo Courtesy of SEIU-UHW.
Oakland North is a project of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and now that it’s summer, our students are on break to work internships at other publications. We’ll be back to train a new class of student reporters in early September. Please feel free to explore the site and our past coverage. Our student journalists have been covering Oakland since fall, 2008, and have created nearly 6,000 articles, videos, audio pieces and multimedia projects about life in the city. You can…