
OPD changing its crowd control policy

Nearly six months after the first clashes between police officers and Occupy Oakland protesters in the middle of downtown Oakland garnered national attention, the Oakland Police Department is changing its crowd control policies, chief Howard Jordan announced at a press conference on Monday afternoon.

Oakland then and now: A tour in photos

The location of a city may be permanent, but that which makes up a city—its buildings, streets, houses, etc—is not. Streets might be added; lots might be developed; buildings might be demolished. For over a century the city of Oakland has been in existence, but the question is: how much of the old still exists, or is it all new? Take a look at our “Then and Now” slideshow and decide for yourself.

Earth Day 2012 activities in Oakland

Earth Day this year is Sunday April 22, but organizations in Oakland have planned activities throughout the weekend. For more information about the global celebration, click here for the Earth Day Network. Know of any local Earth Day events we didn’t mention? Please add them in the comments!

OUSD board discusses giving more power to schools

If the Oakland Unified School District is going to keep schools from leaving to become charters, it needs to change its policy on local school governance, board member David Kakishiba (District 2) told fellow board members at a special meeting on Wednesday night. “The bottom line is if we don’t move affirmatively in some concrete ways, we’ll have more ASCENDs and Learning Without Limits,” Kakishiba said. ASCEND and Learning Without Limits are two current district small elementary schools that successfully…

Image Comics on the rise

Image Comics changed the face of the industry with the success of titles like “Spawn” and the “Walking Dead.” At Image, the idea was to create a company where comic creators could bring new ideas to the table and the creators would own their intellectual property without worrying about being underpaid. Spencer Whitney tells us the story of the Berkeley-based Image Comics and how they became the largest independent comic book publisher in the industry.

Getting Oakland’s customary DIY tattoo: The stick-and-poke

Stretched out on my oversized couch in my apartment in downtown Oakland, my friend Devin Miller—an Oakland artist, with short, choppy bleached hair, and an eclectic, thrift store wardrobe—and I watch The Daily Show on my laptop, laughing about Rush Limbaugh’s latest antics. It feels like any other night, relaxing after a long day at work with a friend at home, though she and I both know that tonight isn’t typical. I am serving ginger and honey tea when she pulls out a green, pink, and yellow vertically striped make-up bag with little handles on the top—the kind you can buy from the dollar bins at Target—and says, “Are you ready?”

Residents learn OPD policies and procedures at Citizens Police Academy

Justin Samaniego is attending the Oakland Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy because he wants to become a police officer. Jan Gilbrecht signed up because she believes that citizens need to be aware of the OPD’s practices and make sure the department is following the rules. Gilbrecht and Samaniego were two of 45 people who attend the first night of OPD’s Citizens Police Academy, which is for Oakland residents and department applicants who are interested in learning more about OPD’s “policies and procedures” according to the course booklet that’s passed out to each of the students.