
In Oakland, mixed feelings about urban livestock

As a growing number of Oakland residents embrace urban farming—including the raising of chickens, goats and pigs in their back yards—the city planning commission is investigating the trend’s potentially negative impacts on the surrounding community.

Oakland women’s group to kick off new campaign on World AIDS Day

The U.S. Positive Women’s Network (PWN), a project of Oakland-based Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Disease (WORLD), will kick off its “Count Us In!” campaign tomorrow with a march to Oakland City Hall, followed by a press conference. The campaign seeks to uphold the rights of HIV-positive women despite healthcare changes threatening to limit or eliminate many services and programs dedicated to women.

Three victims of West Oakland shooting in critical condition

Seven people, including a 1-year-old child, were injured in a shooting on the 700 block of Willow Street in West Oakland Monday evening. The shooting, which happened at approximately 6:30 pm, injured five men, one woman and 1-year-old Hiram Lawrence, who is currently in critical condition.

Adoptable animal of the week: Sufi

Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every Tuesday, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s Sufi.

Oakland cathedral joins churches worldwide in adopting changes to Catholic mass

On Sunday morning at the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland, the sounds of high-pitched singing, a ringing organ and a mumbling congregation filled the huge cathedral as people tried to catch on to the new version of the Catholic Mass. Sunday, also the first day of Advent, was the first time the updated Mass text was used at English-speaking Catholic churches across the world.