As popcorn popped and kids ran around kicking a soccer ball, people laid out blankets and set up camping chairs on 49th Street and Telegraph Thursday night. The whole block was coned off and a jazz band played while people waited for the sun to set. By the time it was dark, nearly 200 movie-watchers had gathered for the first night of the outdoor Temescal Street Cinema.
Silvio Rodríguez — who took his first US tour in thirty years to Oakland’s Paramount Theatre — is to Latin America as Bob Dylan is to the United States. He is a folk singer and guitarist who sometimes veers into jazz or other styles of music, but first and foremost his music is about the lyrics — and politics.
There are only two requirements to read at Lip Service West: Your story must be true, and can’t be longer than 1,500 words. In this new public reading series sponsored by the San Pablo Arts District Fund, local writers swap tales and bring some nightlife to the Golden Gate neighborhood.
At the cafes, pubs and bars of North Oakland, the World Cup debates have begun, and are sure to escalate throughout the month-long tournament — although the nine-hour time difference between California and South Africa means coffee may gain on beer as the favorite game-watching beverage.
We sent ten reporters out with their cameras, and invited community members to help us capture images of a day in the life of the city. Work and play, rest and motion: Just an ordinary 24 hours in Oakland. There will never be another one exactly like it.
Off of 19th and San Pablo in downtown Oakland lies an unassuming two-story building; if it’s a quiet night, the only giveaway that something is going on inside is a big bouncer with an ear-piece standing out front and a small black and white sign that says “The New Parish.” But inside, the New Parish is Oakland’s newest music venue.
The “HERE” and “THERE” sculptures on the Oakland-Berkeley border have become the site of a dispute between the City of Berkeley and an anonymous group of guerilla knitters, who have created a “T cozy” over part of the sculpture. On Sunday, the group held a “T party” to bring attention to their piece.
What’s behind the popularity of red velvet cake? Is it the texture, enhanced by the chemistry of buttermilk? The cream cheese frosting? Or perhaps, it’s the color red. Anrica Deb explores the food science behind the cupcake craze.
Something has recently changed in South Berkeley—big colorful paintings are popping up in formerly vacant storefront windows. They were all made by low-income youth, mostly from Oakland, paid to paint by an organization called Youth Spirit Artworks — an organization that hires teens to beautify local neighborhoods.