27 years ago, Anita Hill alleged Clarence Thomas for sexual harassment at the workplace. On Saturday, Hill talked about her experiences and how the society has changed in the last decades.
Grant will provide academic support for literacy, career pathways, and community safety and engagement
Over 200 undocumented immigrants were arrested and detained across Northern California during ICE Raids two weeks ago. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf gave an unprecedented public warning before the raids and has come under the national spotlight for her actions.
On a chilly Wednesday morning outside the Hayward Hall of Justice, a group of about 100 people gathered in support of long-time community activist Frances Moore, affectionately known as Aunti Frances, who has been feeding homeless and low-income people in North Oakland since 2009. Outside the courthouse, a group of Oakland activists set up two tables filled with fresh vegetables, fruit, pastries and coffee. Their rally in support of Moore began at 8 o’clock in the morning, just as the…
Oakland Councilmember-at-large Rebecca Kaplan hosted a community meeting on homeless solutions Monday to address what she believes is the city’s number one concern: the number of unhoused people living on Oakland’s streets.
Noam Chomsky received a rock star welcome at the Middle East Children’s Alliance’s 30th anniversary event, hosted at Oakland Tech. The famed linguist and political activist lectured about the state of American foreign policy and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
While students and teachers across the nation stand up against school shootings, Oakland high school students are standing up to daily gun violence in their communities.
Since the 1970s, psychologists and neurologists have been studying what happens in the brains of meditating children and adults. Now, hospitals and non-profits like Kaiser Permanente and Mindful Life Project are turning to mindfulness and yoga training for it’s ability to heal.