The Black Aesthetic presents the third season of their film series, which showcases rare, unknown and influential films by black filmmakers. The third season kicked off on October 5 with a screening by Los Angeles-based filmmaker Numa Perrier at Spirithaus Gallery in Oakland.
Children and adults of all ages came out for First Friday at Chabot Space & Science Center to learn about how the human body works on Earth as well as in outer space.
Before every 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. weekend screenings at Oakland’s Grand Lake Theater, Gordon Pratt pays tribute to the vaudeville–an act made obsolete by technological advancements in sound. While the ushers are still cleaning up spilled popcorn and the audience is beginning to file in, Pratt plays a few tunes on the pipe organ–a complex musical instrument, which has seen its best days fly by.
Follow team Dragonmax through the 22nd Annual Northern California International Dragon Boat Festival held at Lake Merritt, Oakland, California.
Specialty Foods, Inc., Oakland’s first African grocery, marks 40 years in business.
Pyeongtaek became the first South Korean city that Oakland has formed a friendship relationship with.
Yemeni corner store owners debate whether to continue selling alcohol because of religious reasons when it is an anchor product that supports their extended family.
During the City Council meeting, the council members discussed Oakland’s shelter crisis, the federal legislation of California firearms laws and the state of the city address.