
Concerns raised about Occupy Oakland investigative team

With a price tag of at least $100,000 and the lead investigator having previous ties to Oakland, some critics are wondering whether the city’s newly-formed independent investigation team will be effective in figuring out just what happened between police and Occupy Oakland protesters.

A father remembers his daughter, who was shot after a tattoo party

When Roger Kiel allowed his daughter Shanice, 19, to attend a tattoo party in San Leandro this October, he did not expect the early morning call telling him that his daughter had been killed after two gunmen opened fire on her vehicle.  Three of the six passengers were killed, including Shanice, who died almost instantly from a gunshot wound to the heart. One suspect has yet to be identified but the other gunman was arrested  in Oakland days after the shooting….

Police looking for help in identifying woman found in estuary

The Oakland Police Department is seeking information about a woman who was found clinging to rocks in the Oakland Estuary on Thursday morning and was pronounced dead later at a local hospital. According to OPD spokesperson Johnna Watson, a woman described as African American, with brown eyes and brown hair, 5-foot-7, 200 pounds and between the age of 30 and 40, was found by a security officer at the 100 block of Clay Street at 8:15 am. Police and medical…

In Oakland, a center works to protect Cambodian girls from sexual exploitation

CERI is a non-profit organization that provides mental health and social services to refugee and immigrant families, mostly Cambodians. All of the girls in its support group have parents who are Cambodian refugees, and they all live in high crime neighborhoods in the East Bay. Many of them know other girls—friends, former classmates—who have become involved in “the life,” a term for the underground world of prostitution.