Oakland-based grassroots organization builds edible gardens to grow sustainable food, create jobs, and build community.
New study to launch that will make better use of in-home HIV testing.
Oakland libraries offer free afterschool programs aimed at kids without ready access to art classes.
Alameda county residents who show exceptional commitment and service are recognized.
Award-winning CCA students merge classic printmaking techniques with modern themes and technologies.
Hiero Day was developed in 2012 and celebrates underground music, grassroots organizations and local businesses.
Oaklanders celebrate the 5th anniversary of Oakland Pride with a parade and festival.
Out of a small section of warehouse space in West Oakland, Eric Maundu is growing a big dream. He wants to make it possible for almost anyone to grow food in an economical, energy efficient and water saving manner.
Banjoko once lived in Oakland and was a part of the ‘90s Bay Area Hip Hop music scene. Currently, he is teaching chess and life strategies to students at Encinal High School in Alameda through a partnership with his friend John Fuentes, who oversees the after school high school program for Bay Area Community Resources (BACR). From now to the end of this school year, Fuentes’ goal is to have Banjoko teach chess at several Oakland high schools as well.