
Bay Area journalist Kevin Weston’s fight against rare cancer

 Kevin Weston doesn’t remember doctors saying he had two weeks to live. He doesn’t remember his 44th birthday. He doesn’t remember his own wedding, though he says he’s seen the photos: Weston in a white hospital gown, eyes closed, with an extremely swollen face. In some photos he has tubes and monitors attached to his body. And in one photo, he has a white hospital bracelet on his wrist, and he’s holding his new wife’s hand. In August, Weston was…

Winter holidays 2012: December special events, and what’s open on Christmas

The Oakland North staff has found places to eat, celebrate, shop and pray during the holiday season. We hope we found something especially for you. We have also included information about the holiday schedules of local favorite attractions as well as the AC Transit and BART transportation schedules. Check back frequently because we’ll continue to update this page as we learn of more Oakland holiday events. Got one to tell us about? Email City of Oakland holiday parking Oakland…

The New Parkway theater gets ready to open its doors in Uptown Oakland

It’s Wednesday night and a party is underway in Uptown Oakland. Inside a blue building decorated with graffiti, over 200 people are celebrating the return of Oakland’s beloved Parkway movie theater, which will open its doors to the public before the end of the year. Managed by New Parkway Entertainment LLC, a group of 56 investors, the new theater will carry the same concept that made the original Parkway so popular in the community: It will offer cheaper tickets, feature…

Dr. Comics store welcomes novices and serious buffs alike

Michael Pandolfo’s childhood comic store was dark, dingy, and intimidating. He remembers the shop was full of the condescending comic book fans he calls “rules lawyers”—comic book experts who show disdain for non-experts. It wasn’t a welcoming place for any but the most shunned, resentful reader. This old store, where he bought his first issues of Conan the Barbarian, loomed large in his mind when he opened his own comic shop Dr. Comics & Mr. Games on Piedmont Avenue in…