This November, eight California counties had marijuana related legislation on their local ballots. Here’s an interactive map showing what passed and what didn’t.
In the hustle and bustle of today’s society, it can be hard to find time for mundane tasks like doing laundry, grocery shopping and organizing your closet. But websites offering personal assistants to run your errands for you have been popping up all over the web.
The week before Christmas is the busiest time of year for Oakland’s mail carriers, so reporter Roberto Daza tagged along to see how they get the job done.
All Oakland public libraries will close from Christmas Day until January 4. The 10-day closure comes from a combination of winter holidays and mandatory furloughs caused by shortfalls in the city budget.
Oakland City Attorney John Russo announced a new strategy in the city’s struggle to halt the sex trade Wednesday: his office is suing three hotels he called “hubs of prostitution.”
The Crucible, Oakland’s non-profit arts education center began in a small Berkeley warehouse in January 1999. Listen in as reporter Mary Flynn explores The Crucible and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
Laughter, cheers and the occasional clanging of cans of green beans echoed through an East Oakland warehouse this morning as volunteers finished packing more than 500 holiday gift baskets for public housing residents at sites across the City.
Twenty years ago the United Nations General Assembly accepted a new international agreement that sought the safety and security of migrants worldwide—the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. This weekend, thousands of people globally will celebrate International Migrants Day, December 18, and speak out for the rights of migrants.
“We did submit a balanced budget,” said Troy Flint, the spokesperson for Oakland Unified School District, of the interim budget report board members approved Tuesday, “but, we’re headed towards potentially the biggest mid-year cuts in the history of California.”