Every Saturday, the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment holds a free scratch programming class as an educational resource for youth to learn basic coding.
An arts and education program in Oakland was reinstated in September after receiving a $20,000 private donation from, an online retailer of art prints headquartered in Emeryville.
A new early childhood education center is set to open this fall in East Oakland’s Seminary neighborhood.
Oakland Police Department receives $50,000 grant from Alcoholic Beverages Control to aid in deterring alcohol-related crimes.
Kaiser Permanente’s Oakland Medical Center recently threw a Pediatric Prom for its patients.
On Thursday night, Oakland community members met at the Think College Now campus to discuss the “Blueprint for Quality Schools,” the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD)’s plan to refurbish old school buildings and use school resources more effectively. The “community dialogue” was one of four planned for this week, and attracted about 30 people.
During an Oakland school board meeting that lasted until a little after 11 p.m. Wednesday night, a new plan for school facilities and a proposal for an additional charter school were major topics of discussion.
As Lily Woo, age 23, got off of her 12-hour flight from Korea, she felt relief to be back home in the Bay Area. Even though this was Woo’s first time visiting the birthplace she had left at age 3, she felt like she was returning from a foreign country. As she approached U.S. Customs, she noticed that the arriving group was being escorted to two different lines: U.S citizens and non-citizens/visitors. Although Woo was returning to the only country…
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several Bay Area-based organizations have planted a vegetation barrier to try to reduce air pollution at an East Oakland elementary school.