In Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood, tension has been brewing as neighbors push city officials to evict people from a homeless encampment, which they say endangers children walking to school and creates health hazards. The camp on Bond Street, where around 12 people live, sits between 42nd and High Streets. The camp consists of a mix of canopies and camping tents shielded from the street by a row of old cars. It abuts the fenced yards of people’s homes and is across…
Protesters temporarily disrupted the October 10 school board meeting, during which members discussed an Opportunity Ticket for students affected by school closures and debated redrawing Kaiser Elementary’s attendance boundaries.
Students, staff, parents, and other members of community gather outside of Garfield Elementary on Friday to call for stricter traffic safety enforcement.
It was a record shop. Then it sat empty. Now it’s a community hub for non-profits. And at its housewarming party on Friday night, a crowd of roughly 250 people crammed into the space belonging to Restore Oakland, Inc. to learn about how it would be available for Fruitvale residents to use. Before making their way into the space, guests and curious onlookers watched a powerful and colorful performance from Danza Azteca Cuauhtonal, a group that practices indigenous cultural rites….
Imagine downtown Oakland with parks wrapping around it and even more high rises. Maybe Interstate 980 is gone and has been replaced with a pedestrian-friendly boulevard. That’s all part of Oakland Planning and Building Department’s proposed vision for the next 20 years.
Lifelong Oakland resident Franky Navarro takes over as commissioner for the Oakland Athletic League, putting him in charge of thousands of student athletes districtwide.
Community members took over Wednesday night’s school board meeting to protest the board’s recent decision to merge Kaiser and Sankofa elementary schools.
Two-year-old Maxine Santiago reached toward an empty turtle shell, then pointed to a picture of a Red Ear Slider turtle at a booth for the East Bay Regional Park District, indicating that she’d matched the animal to its shell.