Nurses picket outside Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center after contracts stalled.
Doctors Without Borders is staging an interactive exhibit called “Forced from Home” outside the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center until November 5th.
A new study from UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland and All In Alameda researched the effects of providing “food prescriptions” to prediabetic children and their families.
Senate Bill 63, signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 12, will make about 2.8 million small business workers in the state qualified to take the unpaid leave to bond with their newborn, or with a child they have recently adopted or are fostering. They will have a guaranty of job security when they return. The new law will come into effect January 1, 2018.
Oakland based photographer Leon Borensztein photographs his daughters disability over three decades.
Dena Gunning, the coordinator for the Oakland Fire Department’s emergency preparedness program, usually plans for 20 to 25 people to attend a training. Around 50 people registered for last Wednesday’s class. “We have a full house tonight,” said Gunning as she carried in chairs and tried to squeeze them into a kindergarten classroom at the Redwood Heights Recreational Center. She placed a few chairs at the edge of the door. “This is a tight room,” she said scanning the room…
Every Monday night, from 7-8 p.m., teenagers gather at the Benioff Children’s Hospital’s Sport Medicine Center in Oakland for a Pilates class. The classroom participants range from young athletes to children regaining their strength after surgeries.
Senior residents evacuated from the wildfires in Sonoma County stayed with seniors at St. Paul’s Towers in Oakland.
Volunteers from Oakland-based organizations are distributing respiratory masks to homeless people in Oakland to stave off poor air quality caused by historic wildfires in California’s Wine Country.